5 Things to Do Before You File for a Divorce

Raj Shamani
3 min readMar 13, 2023


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Let’s accept our reality. Even though India believes in the sanctity of marriage, divorce cases are increasing every single day. Now, instead of only questioning the high divorce rates, let’s look at how these things work. Separation, for whatever reason, can be a very hard-hitting reality for many. So it’s crucial to know the next actionable step. Here are renowned divorce lawyer Vandana Shah’s top 5 pieces of advice for anyone going through this difficult time-

1. Sort out finances

Before taking the leap and taking a legal step toward separation from your partner, you must have your finances sorted. Getting into any legal matter is an expensive affair. There are ways that you might get financial assistance, but before that, you will need to take care of yourself. Many people make the mistake of coming out of a marriage empty-handed and then suffer because they lack the means to get themselves justice.

2. Do your own research

Depending on under which marriage act you were married to your partner, do specific research and see which laws apply to you and which don’t. Your unique situation will determine the outcome of your divorce. You need to know what you are fighting for, and what are rights/property you will ask to be shared. You’ll always be underserved without knowing everything you have the right to ask for.

3. Get the best lawyer

Even though you will need to do your own research, nothing increases the chance you find justice more than betting your money on the best divorce lawyer out there. Our law is very complex and needs a seasoned professional to go through it with a fine-toothed comb. Your lawyer decides the structure of your case and needs to serve you in your best interest.

4. Build a strong support system

Divorces are a massive blow to your emotional health, no matter the cause. It’s mentally draining and extremely difficult to navigate alone. Before stepping out of the marriage, make sure you have people who will stick with you through the process. It can be friends, parents, brothers or sisters. Just ensure that there is somebody to you hold your hand while you walk through the fire. Many people crumble due to a lack of support, affecting their fighting spirit.

5. Tell your kids the truth

If there’s anyone who gets more affected by the divorce than even you, it’s your kids. We think we are protecting them by not disclosing it to them. But divorces change kids’ lives too. And they have the full right to know that their parents are parting ways. Alos, kids are way too smart not to sense these things already. Share the truth with them, and allow them to heal.

I know it’s easier said than done. But sometimes the right decision is the most difficult to make. Watch this episode of Figuring Out with Vandana Shah here for more such insights.

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Raj Shamani
Raj Shamani

Written by Raj Shamani

200+Speeches in 26+Countries on Financial Freedom Investor: Startups, Stocks & Crypto

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