3 Things a Young Artist Should Know

Raj Shamani
3 min readAug 7, 2023


Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik

In 2023, the term artist has a wide-ranging meaning. It refers to every creative person — irrespective of the nature of their artistic expressions. Whether you are a singer, dancer, writer, actor, or you engage in any other form of creative expression, the essence remains the same: anyone who brings forth creativity becomes an artist.

I recently conversed with Indian hip-hop musician and rapper Tanisq Singh, aka Paradox on my podcast Figuring Out. He has undergone a lot of challenges to emerge as one of the leading rappers in India. He believes he has yet to achieve a lot but takes pride in how far he has come. Here are three things Tanisq Singh suggested for artists who are just starting out.

1. Just being creative won’t do

When you are turning your passion into your career, you have to make sure you are making a living out of it. You cannot continue on that path for long if you are not generating revenue through your work. It doesn’t matter what people say. Numbers are important. You can romanticize it all you want, but at the end of the day, there is no denying that every piece of music, choreography, and art is made to cater to the audience.

Your creativity should flow but your business acumen should be high as well. Be practical. Research the ways your art can earn you money. Talk to people who have experience in your field. Otherwise, somebody else will take advantage of it. They will use your work and enjoy the revenue on their own. And you will get neither the limelight nor the money.

2. Tenacity and courage

If you are talented, you will want to turn it into your career; that’s a given. But establishing yourself and making a name in that field will take a long time. No one’s saying it is impossible, but it is also not easy. So what do you have to do?

A very important piece of advice for all young artists is that you have to be courageous and tenacious. You have to grind through the bad days to glimpse at the sunny days. There will be days when you would want to give it all up. But those are the days you have to believe in yourself. Just remember that if it was easy, everyone would have done it. So, be courageous and know that you are in for the long haul.

3. Make your mark

When you see somebody else achieve success, the general tendency is to follow what they have done. But that is the worst possible thing you can do to yourself. Your creative instincts differ from others, and that’s all right. So, focus on yourself and strengthen your abilities. Try to be different from what has been done before. Create something that shows the world your perspective — a fresh one. Not something people have already seen tons of times.

When it comes to art and creativity, there is no right or wrong way. There is your way; there is others’ way. No one can tell you what’s right or wrong. It is your voice that matters. Be the judge of your own work. And keep on doing it until you are satisfied; until it achieves perfection.

You should always keep an open mind and accept rejection and criticism as they come. Make a full effort to get out there and make a name for yourself. Look closely at your peers and try to level up with them on your worth.

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Raj Shamani
Raj Shamani

Written by Raj Shamani

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