3 Networking Tips That Actually Work
There are a gazillion tips and tricks to efficient networking on the internet. You refresh LinkedIn once, and there’s another new post on networking. But if there’s so much information on ‘how to network’ already, why are they not working for you? See, many people get the whole idea wrong, and therefore what they are implementing inevitably fails. I have always believed in the power of networking and speaking with Priyanka Khimani, who has networked with the most valuable people in this country, my faith in it became even stronger. So here’s what you should do to build a strong network of people-
1. Build relationships, don’t network
The first thing most people get wrong or why they are unable to build strong networks is this ‘agenda’ of getting something out of talking to someone. Every connection that’s made over an agenda of either you getting something out of them or, worse, directly asking them for something will always fail. If you want someone to give you their time, you first need o add value. Today, if you are in trouble, your friend from school would jump in at the first chance to help you. He’s going to do that simply because you have built a relationship with him over common interests, spent quality time together, and have been there for each other for a long. Building high-value networks are the same thing! Give them something to like you for, keep going, and keep helping. And maybe, there will come a day when they’ll help you. Networking is more giving than taking.
2. Approach with authenticity
The next dilemma is how to find the right people to network with. You need to have something in common with people you want to form these connections with. Find that one common thing and lead with that. Don’t assume every person you meet will transform into a strong connection. Think long term, and look for people that you can hold a stimulating, engaging conversation with. When conversations flow easily and you are both giving, no one can stop you from building a strong connection. Here’s a simple trick to break the ice- ask them about the places, activities, or things that interest them. Everyone likes to talk about their passions and you allowing them to do that waves a big green flag in your direction.
3. Don’t gatekeep contact
I have been a firm believer in connecting with everyone I know. You holding back your contacts, especially when you can see someone could really use them is not a boss move. Remember that in our digital age, access is super easy. It’s what you do with the access that becomes the differentiator. If you don’t share the contact, someone else will, it’s that simple. But if you do connect people with genuine joy, not only did you contribute to the good in the world, but your two connections saw you as a helpful person. And who doesn’t like that?
These are strategies that’ll help you master the art of relationship building. The trick is to find that one common ground and give relentlessly before you take. For more tips on the same, watch the full episode on Figuring Out.
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