3 Components of an Ideal Workspace Culture
Certain personality traits make a person stand out from the crowd. Each person behaves differently. Like individuals, organizations have specific values, policies, rules, and guidelines put together as their culture to help create a unique organizational image.
In my conversation with Nikhil Agarwal, Vivek Gulati, and Aashish Jindal from Grip- a technology-driven digital investment platform for curated investment opportunities beyond Stocks, Fixed Deposits, and Gold. They discussed how they have worked out a company note that is the core of their organization’s culture. It was an engaging conversation with the trio and worth sharing with my readers.
Sharing some of my input-
An organization’s culture is defined by its guiding principles and beliefs. Employees’ relationships with the organization are profoundly affected.
But what defines a culture?
Creating a culture is a complex process, and several factors work together to form an efficient culture in an organization. However, some fundamental elements make up an influential culture in any organization.
A distinctive culture and a lasting organization can be achieved by focusing on these elements in the first place.
1. Vision
Vision or mission statements are the foundation of a thriving culture. They guide a company’s values and ensure it has a purpose. Consequently, every decision an employee makes is one that is driven by that purpose. The use of solid vision statements can even assist customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders in aligning themselves with the company’s goals when they are authentic and prominently displayed.
2. Values
A company’s values are fundamental to its culture. While vision expresses a company’s purpose, values offer a set of guidelines on the behaviors and mindsets needed to achieve that vision. Many successful companies have clearly stated values that are communicated to all employees. These values describe how the firm will serve clients, treat colleagues, and uphold professional standards. While many companies find their values and ethics revolve around a few basic issues such as employees, clients, and professionalism, the originality of those values is less relevant than their authenticity.
3. Practices
Values are meaningless unless they are incorporated into a company’s practices. Organizations that declare their people are their greatest asset should also invest in them in visible ways.
In a similar manner, if an organization values a flat hierarchy, it should encourage younger team members to participate in discussions without fear of negative consequences. No matter what an organization’s core values are, those values must be reflected in review criteria and promotion policies and must be integrated into the organization’s daily operations.
Creating an organizational culture that reflects who your team is and where you want to go is a big task. Still, if you devote the time and resources to understand your team and where you want to lead genuinely, you will attract the best people and move your organization forward. Companies with a strong work culture attract job candidates looking for a long-term career. The organizational culture promotes an environment that helps companies achieve success by creating a positive, structured work environment.
Listen to the podcast here.
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